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Client Testimonials
“There is no way possible that we could utilize [Q-Pulse] to its fullest without having ECL2 here on the [QSP Program]. The program has helped us get us from step one to where we are today. The personal visits are critical in getting us moving in the direction we want to go. Having the ability to request individual help as we need it has been critical to our success.”
Dr. Richard L. Fredrickson Director, University of Illinois Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
“The ongoing support provided by ECL2, from purchase, early set up to configuration, system deployment and continued customer service is outstanding!”
Jackie Warn Director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs
I truly appreciate the willingness of everyone at ECL2, to always go the extra mile in helping ensure your clients are not only satisfied, but developing the best possible processes for our operations. Thanks so much!
Tina Kirsch, Corporate Performance Officer for Midwest Transplant Network
How Are Our Clients Using Q-Pulse?
Case Studies
OPO’S Donor Network of Arizona Mid-South Transplant Foundation The Living Legacy Foundation
Midwest Transplant Network
Eye Banks & Tissue
DCI Donor Services
Cellular Therapy Gates Bio Facility Baylor College of Medicine Hospitals Sisters of Mercy